Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Role of a Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Role of a Woman - Essay Example ge topic for many countries, especially the developing countries, it is with no doubts that the position that women hold in the society is greatly changing. In particular, the society has opened doors for women to conquer in vast areas while trying to support themselves and their families. Apart from taking care of their families, women now take part in businesses, leadership, and even the political arena. The capacity of a woman to decide whether to stay home with her family or to pursue a career is greatly impacted by what the society requires of them. It is with no doubt that a lot has changed since the earlier days when all decisions on money and careers were solely left for men. Today, educational opportunities are wide open for both sexes, and women are allowed to apply legally for practically any type of job. However, as much as women take up new and bigger roles in the society, they are still expected to take care of their families and homes. Generally, there is a notion that women are able to do it all. In essence, women are taught that they can be able maintain a home, raise a family, have a social life and manage their careers all alone. This results in a condition known as superwoman syndrome since it is theoretical impossible for a woman to do all this and still satisfy every aspect of her life. In fact, studies have shown that women who get help with child care and their housework are able to handle their work responsibilities more easily (Elliott,  47). By not delegating enough duties, women block their own path to career success as this makes their workload unmanageable. In this regard, women ought to choose where to put more emphasis between their families and their work. The society does play a great role in determining the kind of choices women make in terms of career and family duties. Human values and beliefs are based on what the society has put to be right and what it has displayed as wrong. Most of the society voices actually hinder women

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nursing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Nursing assignment - Essay Example Diffusivity of a gas is a physical constant that is derived from calculations based on the solubility of the gas in the membrane and the molecular weight of the gas. The area available for diffusion and the thickness of the membrane is anatomy dependent. Thus the exchange of oxygen from the alveoli to the capillaries is mostly based on the pressure gradient across the alveolar-capillary membrane. The same law applies to the transport of carbon dioxide from the capillaries to the, but carbon dioxide is more soluble than oxygen in the membrane and so diffusion limitation is seldom an issue with carbon dioxide, the elimination of which is dependent heavily on ventilation. (Walley & Russell, 1999). Besides the difference between the partial pressures of the gases in alveoli and the pulmonary capillary bed another important determinant of gas exchange is the relationship between the pulmonary capillary perfusion (Q) and alveolar ventilation (V). A well ventilated alveolus needs to have an equally well perfused capillary, with the ratio V/Q ideally 1. A three compartment model of the lungs helps to understand the perfusion and ventilation relationship. Physiological dead spaces, where exchange of gases does not take place are areas of wasted ventilation, where V/Q is greater than 1. Perfectly matched areas of ventilation and perfusion have V/Q equal to 1. Areas that contribute to venous admixture, which is the mixing of non-oxygenated with oxygenated blood after passing through the lungs, where perfusion has been wasted, in the example of the right to left shunt, V/Q is less than 1. Even in normal lung function, there is a degree of variation in the perfusion and ventilation in different areas of the lung due to gravity, which requires the extra effort in forcing blood supply through the blood vessels above the heart in an erect position. Thus the lower portion of the lobes of the lung is better perfused