Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Branches of Government Paper - 1986 Words

HIS/301 Branches of Government Paper University of Phoenix July, 26 2010 Branches of Government Former President Thomas Jefferson once said, â€Å"Government are instituted among Men, deriving their just Power from the Consent of the Governed.† Since the second continental congress declared America’s independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776 the United States government has sought to realize the fundamental principle on which our nation was founded. This was the start of the government we now know and still honor today. As our school children say every morning in class, as our founding fathers wished for us, that all people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This paper will answer a handful†¦show more content†¦Each branch has separate functions and associations with the other branches. The forefathers planned an organization by means of which each individual branch would observe the other two branches to verify that they are acting in accordance with the fundamental laws and are not trying to overrule the other bran ches and become an empire by themselves. The first branch is the Judicial Branch also known as the court system. The Judicial branch is in place to supply the people with true merits and qualities of laws. There are a number of powers that the judicial branch is liable for such as trying and convicting offenders of the law which includes associates of parliament. Another part of the judicial organization is to understand bylaws and how they relate to the latest state of affairs while also determining the validity to the Constitution. With the previous statement in mind, the judicial branch can also upend a ruling or law if it is found to be in disagreement of the U.S. Constitution. The interaction among the three branches of government in America comes down to checks and balances. Each branch has specific powers, duties, or roles outlined in the Constitution. A quick breakdown would look like this: LEGISLATIVE-Make Laws EXECUTIVE-Enforce or execute laws, JUDICIAL-Interpret laws. Of course, each branch does more than this regarding various domestic or foreign issues from taxes and the money supply to military preparation and leadership. TheShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper: 3 branches of government2001 Words   |  9 PagesUnited States Government: Giving The Three Branches of Government Credit Natalie Baez Period 2 English 4 Mr. Shapiro 3 February 2014 President Barack Obama is not the only person running the country. The three branches of government take a vital role in what goes on in the United States. The president and the people involved in the three branches of government are the ones pulling the strings in today’s society. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay - 1221 Words

Performance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a change in opinion of using through fearing tactics or by letting go known performance enhancing drugs encourage the doctor to have a total idea of performance enhancing drugs, and attempts for prevention. Athletes take on huge obstacles to win games.†¦show more content†¦Steroids aren’t bad for you, because they make you stronger faster and more athletic. Some of the biggest sports (in order) that use sports enhancing drugs are 1. Baseball, 2. Track, 3. Football. Speed is another big drug in sport due to my research. It’s ability to keep you motivated and more hype is causing players in the professional leagues to use it. When you use speed you just become more skits and on the go, so it would allow you an advantage on the other people you are currently playing. Again Football, Track, and Baseball are the most common sports who use a performance enhancement drug. Enhancement drugs are a great and beneficial way to go when lifting, playing a sport, etc. I know many players get caught when they use performance enhancement drugs and get banned from games, because people consider that cheating, I honestly don’t know why though drugs are the best way to improve your ability one hundred percent. to some people drugs in sports are a un beneficial way to go, but you don’t have to listen to them its your life choose how you live it. Protein is pretty much like a drug its kind of like steroids it helps your body become stronger and faster, but ev eryone thinks protein is a great substance. I think its stupid that people are not allowed to make their own decision like what has the world come to. I mean let the people make their own decision, if they want to be faster let them, if they want to be stronger letShow MoreRelatedPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports1078 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Performance-enhancing drugs in sports: A literature review A number of prominent athletes have recently experienced a fall from grace, because of the revelation that they used performance-enhancing drugs. Perhaps the most famous example of this phenomenon is Lance Armstrong. In an advertisement for Nike that his former sponsor now no doubt regrets, Armstrong is shown asking the viewer what am I on? Im on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. Professional cycling is often cited as one ofRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Sports1227 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance Enhancing Drugs Sport records are becoming harder   to break and seeing records are starting to become a thing of the past.. Players aren’t being able to hit these home runs or score long touchdown’s. Injured   players are getting kicked off the team or even quit because they can’t get to their peak performance that they were at before they got injured.   If more players were to use performance enhancing drugs they would be able to compete to the performance of past players. A performanceRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Sports Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports A tremendously large problem in sports is whether or not athletes should be able to use performance enhancing drugs. To most people, it doesn t make any sense for athletes to be using them. They have to know what affect it has on their body not only physically, but also mentally. Around the early 2000’s is when all this starting coming up and it has made a dramatic impact on the sports world. The few people who want performance-enhancing drugs in sports don’tRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1686 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don’t understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because anRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1207 Words   |  5 PagesThe growth and use of performance enhancing drugs makes them no longer a taboo subject among professional athletes, and is starting to become in fact rampant among athletes. There appears to be no end in sight when leagues like the NFL and NCAA have weak testing programs. Traditional locker rooms in the NFL have a few steroid users and have many HGH abusers due to the NFL’s weak testing programs. HGH has become a rampant issue for the NFL, because it allows the average NFL player to gain an edgeRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports527 Words   |  2 Pagesuse of performance-enhancing steroids in sports is forming a problem. The sports that they play end up being cheated by these frauds. This is a disgusting epidemic. For example, â€Å"The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently estimated that over half of a million 8th through 10th grade students are abusing AAS, and that many high school seniors do not believe their use constitutes a health risk† (steroidabuse.com). The problem exists in professional sports and below. Steroid use in sports is becomingRead MorePerformance Of Sports And Performance Enhancing Drugs2051 Words   |  9 PagesPerformance Enhancers in Elite Sports Performance enhancing drugs are as old as sports themselves. Even the ancient athlete that competed in some of the first Olympic Games were know to use substances to boost their performance. It is on record that â€Å"Olympian Thomas Hicks won the marathon after receiving an injection of strychnine during the race in the third Olympiad†. (Savulescu, 1) It wasn’t until the 70’s that athletes began being tested for performance enhancing drugs and they became bannedRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Professional Sports1703 Words   |  7 Pagesthe use of performance enhancing drugs. The debate on whether or not performance enhancing substances should be allowed in professional sports has been going on for years, decades even. Many believe that using steroids and other performance enhancers should automatically disqualify an athlete from ever being able to be a member of the Hall of Fame, in sports in general, not just in Major League Baseball. However, there is an argument to be made to make the use of performance enhancing drugs legal inRead More Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay1678 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports In all areas of sports, professional, college, and even high school, there is widespread illegal use of performance-enhancing drugs. Although there are many reasons for athletes to choose to use these drugs, the cost of such use, both to the athlete and to society can be extraordinarily high. It is important to understand why performance-enhancing drugs are used and what are the consequences of their use to the athlete and society. One of theRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Sports Today1476 Words   |  6 PagesResearch, period 3 December 15, 2013 Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Today Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, have long been in the lifestyle of athletes. Many famous athletes like Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong have all confessed to the use of steroids. Celebrities like actor Charlie Sheen and ex Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, have also admitted to using steroids in the past. Performance enhancing drugs are a dangerous form of medicine

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Rei Sustainability Case Free Essays

To: Council of Executive Vice Presidents Date: 1th of November, 2012 From: Anders F? dder Subject: Evaluation of REI’s sustainability goals I am writing in response to your inquiry regarding the plausibility of maintaining the continuous growth of the company as well as satisfying its sustainability goals. The following sections will address the three issues, mentioned by top management, by first describing them, then interpreting them and lastly they will be evaluated. Conclusion and recommendations will be based on this. We will write a custom essay sample on Rei Sustainability Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now REI focus greatly on the impact that their business has on the environment. They continuously work on finding new and innovative solution that will help reduce these negative effects. Their corporate mission emphasises this commitment: â€Å"At REI, we inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship† REI’s stewardship priorities: * Encourage the active conservation of nature Inspire the responsible use and enjoyment of the outdoors * Enhance the natural world and our communities through responsible business practices * Foster opportunities to increase participation in human-powered outdoor recreation * Maintain REI as an employer of choice, where employees are highly engaged in the vision of the company and are representative of our communities The CEO, Kevin Hagen, also stated that these financial and environmental goals and aspiration must be met without sacrificing either. Hagen advocated shifting to a framework of â€Å"no tradeoffs † thus making a paradigm shift; Innovation over compromise. Issue 1 First issue is whether the company’s stated sustainability goals and aspirations are consistent with its corporate mission and its stated stewardship objectives that are listed above. REI sustainability goals focus on three areas; energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission (carbon footprint) and reduction of waster to landfills. The company plans to add water, toxics, land use and social impact to this list in near future. Each of these areas has an aspiration for 2020, a goal for 2015 and a budget for the current year. Energy consumption REI has taken different initiatives to increase their energy efficiency by switching to new renewable power sources wherever possible. They mission is to keep their energy consumption at a fixed level despite opening new stores. One the ways they do this is by investing in self-generation options such as solar technology. Their ways of managing their energy use and increasing efficiency include: * Solar technology in many of our stores * Lighting: * Elimination of all incandescent bulbs from our retail stores * Installation of highly energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures * Greater reliance on skylights and natural lighting Heating cooling (HVAC): * Aggressive retrofitting and replacement of outdated HVAC equipment with sophisticated new models * Centralized monitoring * Energy-saving techniques such as on-demand ventilation and airflow * Measurement of our stores’ energy efficiency against similar buildings nationwide with the ENERGY STAR benchmarking tool Greenhouse gas emissi on (GHG) The aspiration for 2020 concerning GHG was to be climate neutral. Their goal for 2015 was to cut GHG by 50 percent compared to 2010 emissions. The budget for each year was a specific target in tons of CO2 that was defined by the 2015 goal. REI looked at many aspects of their business in order to reach this goal. These were not limited by their own specific action within REI. They look beyond themselves and try to change the way their employees and suppliers act to. The list include: employee commuting and travel, travel by customers participating in REI Adventures programs from their homes to the site of program, transportation of products from vendors to the company and shipments to customers. However, they have not included customer transportation to and from the stores. REI provides meaningful incentives for their employees to reduce the environmental impacts of commuting and corporate travel. These include: * A 50 percent transit subsidy * Showers and secure bike storage at every REI facility * Telecommuting options at our headquarters location * Web conferencing and other technology tools In 2011, REI partnered with The Nature Conservancy to implement an afforestation project on the Bayou Bartholomew property in Louisiana, which will restore forest continuity with the adjacent Chemin-a-Haut State Park. Funding provided voluntarily by REI Adventures will finance the future retirement of carbon offsets from this project. Through this effort, REI supported The Nature Conservancy’s restoration of this forest ecosystem, as well as the design of a carbon project. This carbon project has been validated and registered through a credible third-party certification system (the Verified Carbon Standard). The effort will contribute to long-term systemic change, benefitting the atmosphere and the forest ecosystem, and has been designed to produce verifiable carbon offsets in the future. Though REI would seek new and innovative solutions to all aspects within the company, there is at least one were they could only offset rather than reduce. REI’s largest source of GHG emissions was REI Adventures which generated 31 percent of its total, namely flying members to adventure destinations. This exception was dealt with by purchasing carbon offsets as a part of the travel package, paid by REI. Reduction of waste to landfills REI aspiration for 2020 was to have no waste to landfills and cut waste to landfills by half between 2010 and 2015. In order to achieve this, they strive to make their packaging shipping operations as efficient as possible. They work with vendors, shipping companies and industry colleagues to pioneer new approaches to this complex situation. One example of this is how they reinvented the way bicycles were packaged and shipped. The bikes, shipped in cardboard boxes from china, was packaged in parts and assembled at one location in the US from where they were sent to the stores. The extensive packing, taped and stapled together, held the parts and assembled bikes securely but was difficult to assemble and disassemble. REI revised this process in way that allowed them to reuse the carton over and over again. Essentially, the same cartons that was used from the manufacturer in China, was used throughout the supply chain and returned to China, to once again be use. Thereby recycling all the materials rather than sending it to landfills. This decreased the cardboard consumption by more than 60 percent. Additionally they saved more than $1 million in annual labour hours due to reduced time required to pack and unpack bikes. Recap REI saw a rise in its net carbon impact during 2010. But the increase was smaller than overall company growth during the year, as measured by sales. Overall, the company used 2. 4% less energy in its facilities, despite adding four new stores and relocating two retail locations to larger spaces. Other sustainability efforts include purchasing 58. 4% Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified paper fiber, and recycling 74% of total operational waste, including more than 95% at REI’s two distribution centers. Community efforts included 109,785 volunteer hours committed through 541 REI-hosted conservation projects to plant trees, restore trails, and clean parks and streams. The company also funded $3. 7 million in grants provided to 330 nonprofit partners with a focus on conservation and outdoor recreation. However, REI is transferring renewable energy certificates generated by their solar panels. Since they do not claim credit for reducing carbon when doing so, this is creating a problem in terms of reaching carbon zero. A challenge they must overcome if they intend to reach their aspirations. REI could further reduce their GHG by reevaluating the use of New Zealand as a destination. Many locations on North American (e. g. Alaska, Canada, and the Rocky Mountains) continent have similar location to offer, and seeing that New Zealand is half away around the world, this could be an effective substitution. Exhibit three displays the progress of reaching the 2015 goals. Is shows the actual status of all three areas in e. g. the first quarter of 2011, the plan for 2011, the trajectory for 2015 and the goal for 2015. Though the trajectories for 2015 for all three are above the goal, one can see from the actual status for 2011, that they are all fairly close if not under the plan for the same year. So despite the gloom trajectory for 2015 REI is indeed on the right path. Issue 2 The second issue was identifying the potential risks with REI adopting the â€Å"No Trade-offs† approach articulated by the corporate social responsibility group, seen from a managerial performance measurement perspective. The â€Å"No trade-offs† approach presents several risks. It can prove be expensive, not only in the solutions required to fulfil but also the hours it take to reach them. As the CEO aspires innovation over comprise, the employees will always have to look for new ways of performing tasks. This takes time and time is money. This is also a very black and white approach leaving none or very little wiggle room. The employees need to stay within the parameters and in some cases they might be looking for solutions that are simply not there. Again, this is time consuming and will undoubtedly make REI miss out on additional earnings lost by looking in other fixed directions. REI has set the bar high and this might also have a negative effect on the people working to find the solutions. If the goals seem too impossible, it might demotivate rather than inspire thus lowering the morale among the workforce. However, by setting a more reasonable goal for 2015 this is somewhat counteracted. Recap So there are several risks by the â€Å"No trade-off† approach, but REI seems to get around them. The company is still growing and still finding ways to lower their influence on the environment. The Workplace section also notes that REI has been included on Fortune magazine’s â€Å"100 Best Companies to Work for† list for 14 consecutive years. The company has a 79% employee retention rate. Issue 3 The third issue was to evaluate the validity of the company’s approach to measuring its carbon emission. The goals for environmental sustainability were set by the office of CEO. They were included in the company’s non-financial KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). The CSR group is tasked to carry them out, however they also make the recommendation to the office of the CEO on which the goals are based. This could create internal problematic situation as it is the same people who make the recommendations for the goals as well as carrying them, though some tasks are overseen by other departments than CSR. However, REI take a comprehensive view of their environmental impact using a framework that reflects the work of the Outdoor Industry Association’s Eco Working Group. They have established key performance metrics for e. g. the three before mentioned areas, and in 2011, they implemented measurement and reporting tools that enables them to forecast, budget and review their progress in these areas. These metrics tie directly into strategic and financial planning for key REI divisions, and results are assessed quarterly by company leadership. REI also became a member of bluesign technologies in 2008. The program requires tight manufacturing controls in mills and factories in order to be certified. This approach will provide greater supply chain transparency in support of REI’s goal of reducing the environmental impact of its products. The transparency will also allow them to make a more precise assessment of their impact, as they will have greater access to their suppliers’ information regarding manufacturing. Recap Based on this I deem the validity of the company’s approach to measuring its carbon emission as high. How to cite Rei Sustainability Case, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hbs Tivo Case Essay Example For Students

Hbs Tivo Case Essay DIAGNOSIS OF THE PROBLEM: TiVo was launched in March 1999 and aimed at transferring control from TV networks to consumers. Currently (May 2000) TiVo has a low market penetration (0. 04%) but current customers highly satisfied. Experts predicted that the customer base would reach 35000- 80000 by 2000 yearend. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION: To increase product awareness, customer acquisition and sales by modifying the current marketing strategy and also address the emerging competition. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Price: ?There are two variants of TiVo, â€Å"14hour box† ($499) and â€Å"30 hour box† ($999). Additionally there are service charges with three different rental plans ($9. 95 per month, $99 per year, $199 for life time). ?Price of the product is high than most existing TV sets and very meagre proportion of consumers are ready to pay this high, a price. Product: The product provides various features such as: ?Pausing LIVE TV (â€Å"wow! † Factor) ?EPG(Electronic Progra m Guide)- User Interface available with the device ? Thumbs up and Thumbs down feature, which allows the user to set their preferences based on which a particular program will be recorded proactively by the TiVo box. These preferences are also used by TiVo for suggesting programmes to users. ?Season Pass- automatically records all the episodes of user specified shows. Promotion: ?Confusion around the TiVo product positioning in the press ( PVR, DVR ,EDR ,IVR ,On Demand TV) ? Focus on early adopters in their initial marketing campaign. ?Very limited mass media campaign. Place: ?TiVo collaborated with Consumer Electronics Superstars SONY and PHILIPS and TiVo subsidised the two companies so that they would manufacture the black box distribute it and promote it to retailers. TiVo became nationally available through Best Buy, Circuit city and Sears ALTERNATIVES: ?Reduce the price of 30 hour model to $399 and stop production of 14 hour model while releasing the existing stock of 14 hour model for free. ?Simplifying the user interface to make TiVo more user-friendly. ?To introduce a feature comparable to the 30 second quick skip button available with Replay TV. ?Offer incentives to existing customers fo r promoting the product. ?Shift in the advertising strategy from early adopter based to mass media campaign while focusing on the desired segment of the market (couch potatoes and business executives). Partnership with DirecTV to be sold as a bundle offer. ?Organize events/kiosks to increase awareness about the product. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES: ?Reduction of Price: Reducing the price of TiVo will boost sales but the loss incurred will have to be taken into consideration while deciding a price cut. ?The production of â€Å"14-hour† recorder can be stopped and the units in inventory can be given out for free. Salesman can be given an option to take the â€Å"14-hour† recorder for free and sign an agreement of serving for at least 6 months. This would decrease the turnover rate and increase the understanding of the product amongst sales force that would, in turn, increase the sales. ?Simplification of User Interface: ?The only feature that TiVo lacks in comparison to Replay TV is30 second skip button – â€Å"Quickskip†. So the RnD department should work towards incorporating the same at the earliest. ?Introduction of a referral programme where incentives would be offered to people whose friends or relatives buy an additional TiVo. This would increase the acquisition rate substantially. Shifting to mass media advertising campaign would require a huge capital induction and prior identification of market segments plus targeting the desired segment (couch potatoes and business executives) with appropriate print and audio-visual advertisements. ?Partnership with DirecTV will bring it into direct competition with Microsoft as it also is going to enter in a partnership with DirecTV giving your customers option to choose from either bundle. ?In the below mentioned table, data till Jun 2000 has been taken from Company document and forecasted thereafter. .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .postImageUrl , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:hover , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:visited , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:active { border:0!important; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:active , .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9c000b0da47b48e0b36000a179bea7ab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: St. John the Evangelist EssayGrowth rate from Jun-00 to Sep-00 has been taken to be the same as Jun-99 to Sep-99. TiVo will have to concentrate majorly in the 3rd quarter 2000 and spend most of their allotted marketing and sales expenses in these 3 months. Growth rate from Sep-00 to Dec-00 has been taken to be half of Sep-99 to Dec-99 because of expected competition from Microsoft’s Ultimate TV. If TiVo is able to attain the forecasted subscribership then it will be in line with industry experts’ predictions for year-end 2000. Jun-99Sep-99Dec-99Mar-00Jun-00Sep-00Dec-00 No. of subscribers (‘000)1. 02. 518. 032. 048. 0120. 0492. 0 Quarterly growth rate 150%620%78%50%150%310% ACTION PLAN: ?TiVo to be bundled with DirecTV receiver before a similar deal strikes between DirecTV and Microsoft. ?Include the quick skip feature in the product at the earliest. ?Stop producing 14 hour recorder and reduce the price of 30 hour recorder. ?Maximum marketing and sales efforts must be put in before Christmas season including enhanced advertising strategies, incentives to existing customers for product promotion. CONTINGENCY PLAN: ?If the loss due to price cut is too alarming then partnerships with networks can be sought (ABC, CBS and NBC). ?If the media campaign is not able to show the customers what features is TiVo exactly providing then the campaign needs to be revamped so as to more aptly define the features of TiVo. ?Competition from Microsoft’s Ultimate TV box may force TiVo to enter into partnerships with online providers such as AOL to enter the online market.